The Great Songkran Day this year is falling on Sunday 13 April 2008, corresponding the Year of Mouse. Its symbolic is a Deva of water element nature, before B.E. 1370, intercalary month in Lunar Calendar and the extra day added in February every four years. Songkran Queen is name Tungsatevee, wearing bangle and pomegranate flower, red dress, preferred wild fruit, the right hand holding Chakra and the left hand is holding a shell, sitting on the back of garuda.
The Great Songkran Day this year is falling on Sunday 13 April 2008 at 18.24hours. Changed from before B.E. 1370 on 14 April 2008 at 22.53.24 hours. In this year, Wednesday is the Thongchai or Lucky Day, Tuesday is Athibordi Day, Tuesday is Ubat or Bad Luck Day, Thursday is Lokawinat or Destructive Day. Songkran in this year is falling on Sunday, it shall inspire raining 400 ha (the word to call the shower of the rain) as divided as 40 ha in human world; 80 ha in the oceans; 120 ha in Himmabhan Forest; 160 ha in Chakkrawan Mountain. There were 4 Naga spraying water, the prediction about food is called Wibat the rice paddy in the farm shall be half part productive and half part destroyed and there shall have little water. From the above announcement of Songkran if we compare with ancient prediction, it is noticeable that Songkran in this year is falling on Sunday, it is said that there shall have little grain, several sickness, and, as the first day of Aries is falling on Tuesday, it is the prediction that all civil shall be happy and over come the enemies. In Lanna concept it is predicted that there shall expensive goods, several sickness, the plant shall be seriously destroy by insects, all are more worse than good things. For Songkran Queen name Tungsatevee is sound not only terrible, she has also garuda as vehicle, and discus in the right, shell in the left hand. Garuda is the vehicle of Narayana, and discus and shell is his weapon also. Thus Songkran Queen, Tungsatevee is representatives of Narayana as to get rid of troublesome of the world.
Prediction about the Great Songkran Day, the first day of Aries and New Year Celebration Day.
- In case of Songkran day is falling on Sunday, the plant shall give inappropriate productivity. In case of the first day of Aries is falling on Sunday, the rice shall be died, lot of foreigners entering the country, the senior shall be falling in worrisome. Should the New Year Celebration is falling on Sunday, the King shall have great power to eliminate all enemies from all directions.
- In case of Sonkran day is falling on Monday, the senior government officers and their ladies shall have great power. Should the first day of Aries is falling on Monday, there shall have sickness and expensive salt. Should the New Year Celebration is falling on Monday, the queen and her lady-in-waiting shall be happy.
- In case of Songkran day is falling on Tuesday, there shall have lot of thefts, serious sickness. Should the first day of Aries is falling on Tuesday, all fruits shall be expensive. Should the New Year Celebration is falling on Tuesday, all civil servant shall be happy and overcome the enemies.
- In case of Songkran day is falling on Wednesday, the senior government officers shall be admired from international. Should the first day of Aries is falling on Wednesday, all foods shall be expensive, the widowed woman shall loss her residence. Should the New Year Celebration is falling on Wednesday, all psychologist shall be happy.
In case of Songkran day is falling - In case of Songkran day is falling on Thursday, the junior shall be loss his advantage to the senior and boss. Should the first day of Aries is falling on Thursday, fruits shall be expensive, the royal family shall be in worrisome. Should the New Year Celebration is falling on Thursday, all priests, nuns and Brahmins shall perform their good activities.
- In case of Songkran day is falling on Friday, there shall be rich with food and plant, heavy rain, strong storm, peoples shall be suffered from eyes disease and sick. Should the first of day of Aries is falling on Friday, chili shall be expensive, birds are suffered from disease, danger to the wild animals, the widow shall be lucky. Should the New Year Celebration Day is falling on Friday, the merchant and head of household shall have good luck in their business and earn lot of profit.
- In case of Songkran day is falling on Saturday, there shall have lot of thefts, serious sickness. Should the first day of Aries is falling on Saturday, foods shall be expensive, less rice product, expensive fruit, less water and fire in the center of the city, the nobleman shall be punished. Should the New Year Celebration Day if falling on Saturday, all soldiers shall win the enemies.
In addition, there are prediction of Lanna from other orthodox that if the Great Songkran Day is falling on Sunday, the Songkran Queen is Mrs. Paengsri, the affect is the rice in such year shall be very expensive, most peoples shall be suffered from diseases, enemy attack, rice and plant are destroyed by insects, uneven rains, the millionaire shall be lost, rubber tree is the great plant for other plants, the rice holy is remained at the bamboo tree.
- On Monday, the Songkran Queen is Manora, in such year, there shall have lot of snakes, most peoples shall be suffered from diseases and most of bad luck, the rice holy is remained at Mai Dua Kliang.
- On Tuesday, the Songkran Queen is Raksot Thevi, in such year there shall have good raining in the beginning and ending of the year but less raining in the middle of the year, destructive rice farm, less productivity of fruits, bad situation in the country, rice and plant are destroyed by insect, the rice holy is remained at Mai Oye Chang.
- On Wednesday, the Songkran Queen is Mantha, in such year there shall have uneven rain, half productive and half destructive rice farm, expensive goods, bad luck for nobleman, the rice holy is remained at Mai Kram.
- On Thursday, the Songkran Queen is Kanyathep, in such year there shall have regular rain according to the reason, the senior shall be in danger, lot of dead animal, the peoples are happily stay and good being while the nobleman and priest shall be in worrisome, the rice holy is remained at Bastard Teak.
- On Friday, the Songkran Queen is Rintho, in such year there shall have good rain in the beginning of the year and lowered in the middle of the year, the plant and rice are destroyed, danger to the priest, the rice holy is remained at Mai Phuttha.
- On Saturday, the Songkran Queen is Sama Thevi, in such year there is lack of rain, the plants are destroyed by insect, great fire and expensive goods.
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